Metal-Reinforced Vermiculite/Fiber Gasket Material
Home / Gasket Materials / Hi-Tex (HT) / HT 400
Hi-Tex 400 (HT 400) is a high-performance, OEM-quality, metal-reinforced vermiculite/fiber gasket material. This product is designed for high-temperature service conditions with a vermiculite/fiber facing bonded mechanically, without adhesives, to our starburst-style, Hi-Tex tanged steel core. Rated for high temps, this material can survive and withstand oxidation where graphite and other materials may not survive.
Hi-Tex 400 is also thermally insulative, this product serves well in EGR type applications, where blockage of heat flow is required.
Finished HT 400 is light tan in color with a fibrous finish.
MTI offers complete cutting services for all our Gasket Materials. Click here to learn more.
This product is made in U.S.A.
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